Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Mason City Township
Page 790

E. HUFFMAN, farmer; P. O. Mason City; born in Virginia April 23, 1844, emigrated to Illinois, with his parents, when 2 years of age; located in Logan Co. where he was raised to farm labor, until 1865, when he came to Mason Co., and located upon his present place, where he has since lived. His marriage with Sarah Shugart was celebrated Sept. 22, 1864; she was born in Iowa June 1, 1848. Seven children was the fruit of this union:  Albert M., born Feb. 21, 1866; Oliver E., Dec. 28, 1867; George W., March 3, 1871; Rosanua, Aug. 3, 1873; Harry H., Sept. 26, 1875. and Charles D., July 20, 1877, and one who died in infancy. Mr. and Mrs. Huffman are both members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. In politics, Mr. Huffman is Republican, having always voted that ticket.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer